The Best Free Tools to Help with Editing

Whether you find yourself crafting a captivating novel, delving into the realm of non-fiction, or fashioning a thought-provoking blog post, the pivotal role of editing remains constant.


Regrettably, editing is not a favored endeavor for many. The arduous analysis and the meticulous attention to detail it demands are met with sighs and groans. Most of us yearn to unleash our words upon the world with a simple click of the publish button, oblivious to the potential repercussions.


Yet, disregarding the significance of editing can take a steep toll. It is within this space that genuine Writing Assistant emerges, where frayed threads are skillfully woven together, and where your prose acquires a luminous sheen.


Fortunately, as time has marched on, a plethora of editor tools have emerged, lightening the burden of the editing process. From vigilant detectors that expose the shackles of passive voice to tools to help with spelling and grammar gremlins, these invaluable resources often come to our aid, generously free of charge.


Below, we look at a selection of the finest tools available. First, let’s take a look at editing in more detail.

The Different Types of Editing

If you're a novice to editing, gaining an understanding of its distinct types can prove immensely beneficial. Each variant possesses its own particular focus and purpose. Let’s take a look:


  • Developmental Editing - This breed of editing hones in on the comprehensive structure and substance of a written piece. In the realm of fiction, it encompasses an evaluation of the plot's trajectory, the depth and development of characters, the pacing of the narrative, and the overarching theme.
  • Substantive Editing - Commonly recognized as content editing, substantive editing sets its sights on enhancing the style, flow, and organization of a manuscript. It delicately treads upon the terrain of language and tone, while carefully considering the writer's unique voice, be it informal, formal, or reminiscent of a blog.
  • Copyediting - With copyediting, the task at hand entails rectifying grammatical errors, spelling mishaps, punctuation blunders, and syntactical missteps. Mindful attention is also dedicated to scrutinizing the manuscript's formatting, all in the pursuit of producing a polished and flawlessly executed final draft.
  • Line Editing - Intimately entwined with copyediting, line editing directs its gaze toward the finer intricacies: the meticulous selection of words, the harmonious dance of sentence structures, and the rhythm that permeates the prose. The aim of line editing is to amplify the work's readability and resounding impact, leaving an indelible impression upon its readers.
  • Proofreading - Proofreading is the final safeguard before a written piece makes its grand entrance into print or online publication. During this crucial phase, meticulous scrutiny is applied to ferret out any lingering spelling blunders that may have slipped past prior examinations, as well as to rectify any punctuation or formatting quandaries. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing a social media post or an email—proofreading should always play a part.

What Free Tools Can You Use To Help With Editing?

When it comes to editing in our modern age, we have at our disposal a number of powerful tools, many of which are free. These easy-to-use devices can help us sharpen our prose and help us improve our writing as a whole.


Let’s take a look at some of the best free editing tools.

Grammar And Spell Checkers

The utilization of grammar and spell checkers has a long-standing history. In the early days of word processors, they would promptly flag misspelled words and provide suggestions for the correct spelling.

The mechanics behind these tools are rather straightforward—they are essentially integrated with a comprehensive dictionary and highlight any word that fails to align. However, their performance in the past has been somewhat lackluster.

Fortunately, contemporary editing tools have made considerable strides in comprehending context. Many harness the power of artificial intelligence to provide accurate and context-sensitive suggestions. These tools diligently flag any misspelled words, and their more advanced iterations may even propose remedies such as sentence restructuring to enhance overall clarity.

Grammarly is a popular program that can seamlessly integrate with your web browser or word processor. Engram is another popular AI proofreader specifically optimized for non-native speakers.

Fortunately, contemporary editing tools like Grammarly have made considerable strides in comprehending context. They offer free options that seamlessly integrate with your web browser or word processor. These tools diligently flag any misspelled words, and their more advanced iterations may even propose remedies such as sentence restructuring to enhance overall clarity.

Passive Voice Checker And Converter

Passive voice remains an enduring topic of discussion within the realm of both fiction and non-fiction writing. It is an issue that countless writers run into, primarily because many of us tend to converse using passive constructions, causing it to feel almost instinctive.


However, the challenge writers face lies in the fact that publishers and readers harbor an aversion to passive voice-laden prose. The rationale behind this distaste stems from its tendency to impede the flow of a piece, rendering it monotonous, convoluted, and excessively verbose.


In stark contrast, writing crafted in the active voice exudes immediacy and captivation, with its language sharper and more accessible to grasp.


Yet, mastering the art of avoiding passive voice proves to be a formidable task, primarily due to its ubiquity in our natural speech patterns.


Fortunately, writers can now use tools such as passive voice checker, which are readily accessible online. These invaluable resources diligently identify passive sentences, with some even offering the functionality of converting them into active voice, sparing you the task.

Text To Speech

Text-to-speech technology, a seemingly uncomplicated innovation, has actually graced the domain of word processors like Microsoft Word for quite some time. Its fundamental purpose lies in transforming a written text into spoken words, presenting a multitude of advantages when it comes to editing.


The main advantage of this editing tool is its ability to uncover errors that might evade detection when reading silently. Uttering words aloud triggers distinct cognitive mechanisms, enabling a heightened awareness of grammatical nuances, the seamless flow of prose, and the structural integrity of sentences.


Additionally, text to speech empowers you to discern the auditory quality of your writing and the precise selection of words employed. It also assists in discerning the rhythmic cadence of your prose and gauging the clarity with which your ideas and sentences resonate.


Furthermore, this technology assists in identifying any inconsistencies lurking within your writing. For instance, the overuse of a particular word becomes glaringly apparent when it reverberates audibly.

Adjective And Adverb Checker

Renowned writers like Stephen King and George Orwell have long imparted their wisdom on the usage of adjectives and adverbs in the realm of writing.


In his acclaimed work "On Writing," Stephen King ardently advised writers to exercise caution when employing an excess of adverbs and adjectives. His reasoning behind this is rooted in the desire to maintain a laser-like focus within your prose, steering clear of superfluous and extravagant descriptions that often serve no purpose.


If you discover yourself succumbing to an overabundance of adjectives and adverbs, fear not, for rectifying this issue is relatively straightforward with the help of online tools. The Hemingway Editor is one such remarkable tool that automatically illuminates these linguistic elements upon pasting your text into its interface.