What is the impact of AI in modern website creation?

Since the advent of ChatGPT, artificial intelligence has experienced a resurgence, and many industries are adopting it to improve their processes.

In the field of modern website creation, AI is redefining creation standards with an array of tools. But concretely, what is the impact of AI on the creation of modern websites?

Through this article, we will discover together how AI is manifesting in this industry and what its effects are. Ready for this discovery? So, let's follow along!

What is the impact of AI in the creation of modern websites?

Artificial intelligence is now involved in the site creation stages thanks to tools such as:

  • AI-based site generators;
  • Automated generation of models;
  • AI tools for design personalization and optimization;
  • AI articles for content optimization;
  • AI to improve user experience (UX);
  • AI to monitor and improve search engine optimization (SEO).

It must be remembered that there already exist AI coding assistance for people who want to build their website themselves.

AI-powered website builders

If in the past the creation of a modern website was complex and you had to go through multiple steps to get there, AI has taken this field by storm and is already working wonders.

Can you describe in a few words what your site will look like? In 10 minutes, the AI can offer you a modern website with several pages like a boss.


Site builders that incorporate AI allow non-technical people to create professional-looking sites without having coding skills or hiring outside developers.

There are already many platforms that offer the use of AI to create websites almost automatically. Goodbye to long sleepless nights.

We can mention :

  • 10web ;
  • Hostinger IA ;
  • Durable IA ;
  • Divini IA ;
  • Wix ADI ;
  • Etc.

These generators work in a simple way: the user answers a few questions, and the tool takes care of the rest. Wix ADI, for example, analyzes user needs, current design trends and generates a site in minutes.

It's like having a professional developer at your disposal, except he doesn't drink coffee and never sleeps. 😀

These tools allow entrepreneurs and small businesses to create a website without any technical knowledge. And what's more, they don't cost a fortune. Most of the time, these AIs only cost a few dollars.

Automated generation of models

Mockups and wireframes are essential to creating a website. They serve as visual representations of final products before actual implementation.

It used to take hours (or even days) to design. Today, tools like Figma and Adobe XD, powered by AI, make it possible to generate models in record time.

AI helps designers create accurate, visually appealing mockups through predictive analysis and automated processes while maintaining high-quality results.

Sometimes you just need to upload your content and the AI will suggest suitable designs. It can even adjust colors and fonts based on current trends.

Among the model generation tools, we have:

  • The Grid ;
  • Adobe Sensei;
  • Et Firedrop.

They analyze your business goals, target audience, and brand guidelines to instantly create cohesive designs that set you apart online.

AI tools for design personalization and optimization

Personalizing user experience is essential to increase engagement as well as conversions.

By leveraging AI algorithms, these tools identify individual user behavior patterns, enabling dynamic customizations:

  • User interface elements;
  • Color schemes;
  • Typography and other aspects of design.

That's because companies like Evergage and Gridstyle look at users' behavioral data, including their browsing history, past actions and engagement patterns, then dynamically adjust the layout.

This means that each visitor will essentially see their own "unique website", carefully tailored to their individual tastes and perceived needs. Just like you, I think the future looks crazy. 😅

AI for content optimization

Content is king, they say. But what is a king worth without his right arm? This is exactly the role that text generative AIs play.

Not only do website generator tools offer ready-to-use texts, it is also possible to generate the content of a site with tools like:

  • ChatGPT ;
  • Close IA ;
  • Perplexity IA ;
  • Etc.

Overall, these tools allow you to feed your website with content quality. And who says quality content, says better ranking on the SERPs.

Indeed, if you find keywords relevant to your niche, you can use these AI to create product descriptions and relevant and engaging articles.

AI systems analyze millions of data points to ensure content is both relevant and SEO-optimized.

AI for improve user experience (UX)

User satisfaction is essential to retain visitors and encourage repeat engagement.

The implementation of AI chatbots offer instant assistance, answers frequently asked questions, guides navigation, and collects feedback for ongoing user experience improvement efforts.

Furthermore, AI can detect friction points, those places where users tend to leave the site. Then, she offers solutions to improve these problem areas.

It's a bit like having a private detective tracking down all the problems on your site, but much faster and less expensive.

AI to monitor and improve SEO

Search engines update their ranking algorithms often, so you need to constantly monitor your SEO strategy.

AI-powered tools monitor trends, quickly alert developers of potential issues and propose corrective actions in order to preserve visibility in search results.

It should also be remembered that SEO tools are getting in on the act when it comes to artificial intelligence. This is the case for SEO toolboxes such as:

  • Surfer SEO ;
  • Ahrefs ;
  • Jasper ;
  • Semrush.

What are the advantages of using AI tools in modern website creation?

The very first advantage of using AI is the time it saves. Automating the mockup generation process saves time so that designers can focus on other important details.

Additionally, AI-powered website generators, for example, offer users plenty of customizable options and only require minimal technical knowledge.

The ability to further personalize their websites using AI allows designs to be optimized based on user preferences.

It allows companies to effectively target niche markets, which stimulates growth and turnover.

What are the limits of AI in modern web design?

Despite many benefits, there remain some constraints associated with implementing AI in modern website creation. Some common challenges include:

  • Ethical questions regarding data confidentiality;
  • AI does not have human creativity;
  • AI can be biased.

Data Privacy Concerns

The use of AI relies heavily on large data sets containing sensitive user information. This raises ethical considerations regarding consent, security and confidentiality.

AI can be biased

AI depends on the data we provide it. If the data is biased or incomplete, the results will be too. Additionally, AI can potentially lead to a homogenization of website designs, where everything ends up looking the same.

Furthermore, while AI can excel at specific tasks, it can sometimes lack common sense and an understanding of human nuances. It is important to supervise the AI and intervene when necessary.

Limited creativity

Although capable of producing impressive results, current AI models can still lack originality compared to human designers who possess innate creative abilities and subject matter expertise.

Despite this progress, AI will not allow you to carry out large-scale modern website creation projects. For example, if you want to create a portfolio site, AI is a superb alternative to traditional methods.

But when it comes to large-scale projects like creating modern sites with advanced features, AI will not be able to produce a tailor-made site for you. In this case, the ideal is to entrust the creation of your site to a web agency that offers this service.

Some modern website design agencies

As an website design agency, we can cite:

  • Honadi ;
  • NOISE ;
  • Etc.

Honadi is a website creation agency which stands out for its modern approach. This is a digital marketing agency that offers design services and SEO.

That said, this agency has a team that can offer you not only a tailor-made design, but also a site that meets SEO standards.

With his team, Honadi is committed to transforming ideas into digital realities, optimized for an exceptional user experience on all devices.

It doesn’t matter if you need a showcase site or an interactive platform, this agency can make you suggestions regarding your online visibility.

NOIISE is a French website creation agency. Specializing in the development of WordPress and Prestashop sites, NOIISE offers a complete range of services to enhance your online presence.

In summary

All in all, the integration of AI into modern web design has brought significant advances and today makes it possible to streamline work processes, offer highly personalized experiences, etc.

However, it must be remembered that AI in site creation also has its limits and does not, at least now, allow to manage large-scale projects.