A lot of times I've searched functions or simple conversion tools over the internet. So I decided to create a space that brings together utilities that I use more of often!
Encode or decode data in Base64 format, a widely used method for representing binary data in a text format.
Convert XML data to JSON format for easier handling in modern web applications and APIs.
URL Encode
Encode special characters in URLs for safe and compliant sharing or storage.
XSD Validation.
Validate XML data against an XSD (XML Schema Definition) to ensure it follows the correct structure and rules.
We have everything you need
Convert XML data to JSON format for easier handling in modern web applications and APIs.
Encode or decode data in Base64 format, a widely used method for representing binary data in a text format.
Encode special characters in URLs for safe and compliant sharing or storage.
Convert ASCII characters to their corresponding decimal values.
Convert decimal values to their corresponding ASCII characters.
Convert ASCII characters to their corresponding hexadecimal values.
Convert ASCII codes to their corresponding text characters.
Convert binary numbers to decimal numbers.
Convert binary numbers to hexadecimal numbers.
Convert binary numbers to octal numbers.
Convert decimal numbers to binary numbers.
Convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal numbers.
Convert decimal numbers to octal numbers.
Convert text characters to their corresponding ASCII codes.
Convert text characters to their corresponding binary values.
Convert text characters to their corresponding hexadecimal values.
Convert text from uppercase to lowercase letters.
Flip text upside down to create interesting and fun messages.
Convert words into their numerical representation.
Convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal numbers.
Convert hexadecimal values to their corresponding ASCII characters.
Convert hexadecimal values to their corresponding text characters.
Convert hexadecimal numbers to binary numbers.
Convert hexadecimal numbers to octal numbers.
Convert octal numbers to hexadecimal numbers.
Convert text between uppercase, lowercase, title case, and other formats.
Reverse the order of text characters for fun or puzzle creation.
Escape or unescape JSON strings for safe use within code or storage.
Convert Base64 encoded image data back into an image file.
Reverse the order of text characters or lines.
Convert JSON data to XML format for compatibility with older systems or applications.
Convert text from lowercase to uppercase letters.
Convert numeric values into their equivalent words in English or other languages.
Convert CMYK color values to their closest Pantone color equivalents.
Convert HEX color values to their closest Pantone color equivalents.
Convert HEX color values to their corresponding RGB color values.
Extract text from images using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology.
Convert JSON data to a Microsoft Excel-compatible format.
Create images from text input with customizable styles and colors.
Convert REM units to pixel units for web design and development.
Convert RGB color values to their corresponding HEX color values.
Convert RGB color values to their closest Pantone color equivalents.
Convert numbers between standard Arabic and Roman numeral formats.
Convert Unix Epoch time (seconds since 1970-01-01) to human-readable date and time formats.
Encode or decode HTML entities for safe use within code or storage.
Convert PNG image files to JPG format for smaller file sizes and wider compatibility.
Convert YAML data to JSON format for easier handling in modern web applications and APIs.
Create mirrored text for fun or artistic purposes.
Hostname to IP
IP to Hostname
DNS Lookup
CSS To Less
Pantone to CMYK Convertor
Pantone to HEX Convertor
Pantone to RGB Convertor
HEX To HSV Convertor
HEX TO CMYK Convertor
CMYK To RGB Convertor
RGB To CMYK Convertor
HSV To RGB Convertor
RGB To HSV Convertor
CMYK To HSV Convertor
CMYK To Hex Convertor
HSV To Hex Convertor
HSV TO CMYK Convertor
Online XML Editor
YAML Editor Online
Online Editor
Validate XML data against an XSD (XML Schema Definition) to ensure it follows the correct structure and rules.
Check the validity of credit card numbers using the Luhn algorithm and determine the card type (e.g., Visa, MasterCard).
Validate YAML data to ensure proper syntax and structure.
Evaluate XPath expressions against XML data to extract information or verify structure.
Validate JSON data to ensure proper syntax and structure.
CSS Validator
JQuery Validator
JavaScript Validator
XML Validator
Format and indent HTML code for improved readability and consistency.
Format and indent CSS code for improved readability and consistency.
Format and indent JavaScript code for improved readability and consistency.
Format and indent JSON data for improved readability and consistency.
Format and indent PHP code for improved readability and consistency.
Format and indent XML data for improved readability and consistency.
React Formatter
Java Formatter
TypeScript Formatter
Babel Formatter
Angular Formatter
SQL Formatter
Remove unnecessary characters and whitespace from HTML code to reduce file size and improve loading times.
Remove unnecessary characters and whitespace from CSS code to reduce file size and improve loading times.
Remove unnecessary characters and whitespace from JavaScript code to reduce file size and improve loading times.
Remove unnecessary characters and whitespace from JSON data to reduce file size and improve loading times.
HMAC Hash Generator
MD2 Hash Generator
MD4 Hash Generator
MD5 Hash Generator
NTLM Hash Generator
SHA1 Hash Generator
SHA224 Hash Generator
SHA256 Hash Generator
SHA384 Hash Generator
SHA512 Hash Generator
SHA512/224 Hash Generator
SHA512/256 Hash Generator
SHA3-224 Hash Generator
SHA3-256 Hash Generator
SHA3-384 Hash Generator
SHA3-512 Hash Generator
CRC16 Hash Generator
CRC32 Hash Generator
Shake-128 Hash Generator
Shake-256 Hash Generator
Wordpress Hash Generator
Select a random name from a list of names.
Generate random letters from the alphabet.
Random IP Address Generator
Random XML Generator
Random UUID Generator
Random Time Generator
Random CSV Generator
Random Date Generator
Random JSON Generator
Random Prime Generator
Random Data From Regex
Random Bitmap Generator
Text Lines Shuffler
MAC Address Generator
Random Hex Generator
Random TSV Generator
Random String Generator
Random Fraction Generator
Random Integer Range Generator
Random Binary Generator
Random Byte Generator
Random Decimal Generator
Random Alpha Numeric Generator
Lorem Ipsum Generator
Online CSS Editor
Online JavaScript Editor
Online SQL Editor
Online Django Editor
Online ABAP Editor
Online ActionScript Editor
ASCII Doc Editor
Online Assembly x86 Editor
Online Auto Hot Key Editor
Online Batch File Editor
C9Search Editor
Online C & C++ Editor
Clojure Editor
Cobol Editor
Online Snippets Editor
Online Stylus Editor
Online SVG Editor
Online TCL Editor
Online Tex Editor
Online Text Editor
Online Textile Editor
Online TOML Editor
Online Twig Editor
Online TypeScript Editor
Online Script Editor
Online Velocity Editor
Online Verilog Editor
Online XML Editor
Online XQuery Editor
Online YAML Editor
Online Coffee Editor
Online ColdFusion Editor
Online C# Editor
Online Curly Editor
D Editor
Online Dart Editor
Online Diff Editor
Online DOT Editor
Online EJS Editor
Erlang Editor
Online Forth Editor
Online FTL Editor
Online GLSL Editor
Online Lang Editor
Online Groovy Editor
Online HAML Editor
Online Haskell Editor
Online Haxe Editor
Online HTML Editor
Online HTML_Ruby Editor
Online INI Editor
Online Jade Editor
Online Java Editor
Online JSON Editor
Online JSONIQ Editor
Online JSP Editor
Online JSX Editor
Online Julia Editor
Online Latex Editor
Online Less Editor
Online Liquid Editor
Online Lisp Editor
Online LiveScript Editor
Online Logiql Editor
Online LSL Editor
Online Lua Editor
Online LuaPage Editor
Online Lucene Editor
Online MakeFile Editor
Online MarkDown Editor
Online Matlab Editor
Online Mushcode Editor
Online MySQL Editor
Online C Editor
Online Ocaml Editor
Online Pascal Editor
Online Perl Editor
Online PgSQL Editor
Online PHP Editor
Online PwerShell Editor
Online Prolog Editor
Online Properties Editor
Online Python Editor
Online R Editor
Online RDoc Editor
Online RHTML Editor
Online Ruby Editor
Online Rust Editor
Online SASS Editor
Online SCAD Editor
Online Scala Editor
Online Scheme Editor
Online SCSS Editor
Online SH Editor
Translate binary code into text or other formats.
View a reference table of ASCII characters and their corresponding codes.
View and interact with HTML code in a rendered format.
Parse JSON data to explore its structure and contents.
Convert text to Morse code and generate an audio representation.
View and interact with JSON data in a structured, easy-to-read format.
Determine the size of the browser window for responsive design testing.
Generate unique GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) for use in programming or database applications.
View and interact with XML data in a structured, easy-to-read format.
Repeat a given text or pattern multiple times.
Calculate the length of a given text string.
Summarize large amounts of text into shorter, more manageable sections.
Find the IP address associated with a domain name.
Crop images to a specific size or aspect ratio.
Generate HTML link code for use in websites or emails.
Check the HTTP headers sent by a web server to diagnose issues or gather information.
Check the HTTP status code returned by a web server to diagnose issues or gather information.
Find the Mail Exchange (MX) records for a domain to troubleshoot email delivery issues.
Check if a specific port is open on a remote server for troubleshooting or security purposes.
Generate HTML table code based on user input for use in websites or emails.
Parse and evaluate URI templates to generate URLs with specific parameter values.
Generate HTTP redirect code for use in websites or server configuration files.
Detect the screen resolution of the device accessing the website for responsive design testing.
Test how a website looks and behaves at different screen resolutions for responsive design optimization.
Generate secure, random passwords with customizable length and character options.
Edit plain text files online with basic formatting and editing tools.
XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) online transformations
Temporary free email service
Online Pixel Ruler
JSON Path Tester
IEEE-754 Analysis
XSL-FO (Formatting Objects) online transformations
Share Link Generator
NS Lookup
Website To IP Address
Webcam Test
API Test